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universal literacy for haiti
universal literacy for haiti
Helping Young People Create New Worlds
and Partners' Power of Good
Lèkol Toupatou! (School Everywhere!)
for Universal Literacy in Haiti.
Feeding Education.
Educators in Music
JAMBAR helps SUFC and 18 other Partners in Music and Education.
Madame Franck Paul with
her 243-page textbook, Mon Livre Unique.
SUFC and Partners held a
Concert for Kidd Jordan in 2019.
A liberating and pioneering Constitution!
One of the most democratic and inclusive ever!
Hear Jean-Hervé Paul, Professor of Philosophy and Music at College Canape-Vert, play guitar in company with Don Paul's reading of the Excerpts in Haiti, January 27, 2020
Jean-Hervé in Miami, Sunday morning, December 29, 2019, with a
trumpet donated by Eddie Gale and Dennis Kyne. From about 5:00
onward that morning Jean-Hervé was awake in the lving-room and
exploring ideas on his guitar.
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