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Students in Haiti love JAMBARs 

JAMBARs first came to three Schools and an Orphanage
in Haiti for the Christmas season of 2021-2022. They were a big surprise! 
Students and Staff loved them. They were welcomed at College Canapé-Vert and Ecole Foyer Espoir (EFE) and the Orphanage named Foyer Espoir Pour les Enfants (FEPE) in Haiti's Capital, Port-au-Prince. They were the hit of a Party at the Youpi Youpi School in Cayes Jacmel along Haiti's southern coast.

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JAMBARs on display at the College Canapé-Vert Christmas
Party, December 10, 2021.  

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New Year's Party for FEPE and EFE students.

Students sample JAMBARs.

Students exclaimed at JAMBARs' taste and the boost that they felt from the Bars. They exclaimed in French and in Haitian Kréyol. "Bon!" "Sa ya bon gou!" "These taste good!"


Soon the founder of College Canapé-Vert, Madame Marie-Marthe Balin Franck Paul, and the founder of Foyer Espoir
Pour les Enfants
, Madame Marie-Jose Poux, introduced JAMBARs into students' daily diet.  

Madame Franck-Paul, founder and Principal 
of College Canapé-Vert, is also the main force
behind the recording of her textbook for first-year students in Haiti, Mon Livre Unique, for
learning throughout Haiti. 150 Days of video Lessons in Haitian Kréyol, French, English and Spanish. Lèkol Toupatou--School Everywhere!

Madame Marie-Jose Poux ("Marie-Jo")
is a Nurse who took her love for children
into founding of the FEPE orphanage
and its then its partnershiop  with the EFE school from the earthquake month of January 2010 onward. Here she's with a saxophone donated to FEPE/EFE through Hungry for Music.   

Haitian Flag Day, May 18, 2022, at College Canapé-Vert.

JAMBAR has since December 2021 donated 10 Cases of its Bars (Chocolate Cha Cha and Musical Mango and Malt Nut Melody and Jammin' Jazzleberry) for students and staff in Haiti. From 2014 onward Jennifer Maxwell has supported Sticking Up For Children with funding that's enabled purchase of iMacs and other computers, microphones, a Schoolbus, generators, 3-D printers, and considerable additions to  buildings in Port-au-Prince and Cayes Jacmel. 


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Jennifer Maxwell is the subject of several magazine profiles.

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