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universal literacy for haiti
universal literacy for haiti
Helping Young People Create New Worlds

and Partners' Power of Good

Feeding Education.

2023 Takes Off!
The Power of Good!
Lèkol Toupatou! (School Everywhere!)
for Universal Literacy in Haiti!
1000s of Hours of Work by the Lèkol
Toupatou Team bring Classes
for adult literacy
to Port-au-Prince and Cayes Jacmel!

Ytolia with her first Day (Jeu in Haitain Kréyol) of Lessons, College Canapé-Vert, with Mme.Franck Paul beside her.

Odette with her first Day of writing. Photo by Raphael Lijensky.

18 students in Cayes Jacmel, with their print-outs of Lessons from Mme. Marie-Marthe Balin Franck Paul's 243-page textbook, Mon Livre Unique. The students are also learning from the video Lessons of Lèkol Toupatou. The students are gathered through Lupson and Marie-Lyne Pasteur of SUFC's partner in Cayes Jacmel, the Youpi Youpi (Happy Happy in Kréyol) School. Their teacher is Marie Yolène Desiral.

Madame Franck Paul with her 243-page
textbook Mon Livre Unique.

One of the greatest efforts with which SUFC has been involved is Lèkol Toupatou as a whole. Watch, please, in FULL SCREEN the video above, from the the Flore es Femmes in Cayes Jacmel, Haiti. Adult students learn from teacher Marie Yolène Desiral. Enthusiasm and laughter all around!
Students at the FEPE orphanage and EFE school
combine with SO.V.EH (the Societé Verte Haiti)
to sweep streets, recycle plastics and to make
art-pieces from tinfoil wrappers. The moral commitment,
the creativity, the resourcefulness!

EFE (Ecole Foyer Espoir) students in the Delmas district of Port-au-Prince recycle JAMBAR wrappers into art-work.

JAMBARs provide both nutrition AND
means for recycled art-work by students at Partners of SUFC in Port-au-Prince and Cayes Jacmel! Genius ingenuity!


Sticking Up For Children and Organic Ayiti!

Visit SO.VE.H on Facebook!

A basket made of recycled tinfoil!
SO.VE.H and EFE and FEPE students worked together to
sweep streets in Port-au-Prince in June 2017.

Madame Damas, Sabine and Claudine of EFE and FEPE.

Marie-Jo Poux, Pediatric Nurse, and her daughter Maureen, a Dentist, with orphans outside the FEPE gate, 2012.

Marie-Jo and Don Paul during SUFC's interview with her for the 'Tales and Portraits of Haitian Greatness' project, September 2022. Photo by Maryse Philippe Déjean.

A young man in Guinea of west Africa, Ibrahima
Diallo, is recycling plastic into fuel for engines, as
shown by Kumpital and SO.VE.H.
Much that's most crucial and hopeful for humanity's
future is never seen on Airports' TVs.

SUFC and Hungry For Music deliver ukuleles for students in the Edna Karr High School Band and in the Ashé
Cultural Arts Center's Kuumba Academy.

Jeff Campbell, founder of Hungry for
Music. HFM has brought more than 20,000 instruments to music-students since 1994. Check out Jeff's interview with SUFC in April 2021.
D'Angelico Guitars
was the donor.
Christopher "Chalupa" Herrero is a graduate of Edna Karr who returned after University to become Director of the High School's award-winning Band. "Tree-mendous" synergy between this Band's musicians and their Director.

L'Oreal Evans and Valenetta Rainey of the Ashé Cultural Arts Center hold one of 10 Avengers' ukuleles passed along to the Ashé's Kuumba Academy for young artists.
The Kuumba Academy has served hundreds of students with its Summer and Winter programs over
more than a decade. Check out the
Ashé's bright colors and elegant designs!

Suzanne D'Addario Brouder, Director of the D'Addario Foundation (see profile and interview by Brian Berk here), is center of donations and funding to 96 music-education programs already
in 2023.
Check out the D'Addario Foundation's many good works.
JAMBAR keeps growing and giving
to both music and athletes.
The new 'Organic Artisan Energy Bar
has come to support 19 Partners in less
than two years!

Jennifer Maxwell, nutritionist, co-founder of Power Bar with her late husband Brian, and mother of six children, brought JAMBAR--a new 'Organic Artisan Energy Bar'--to the world in four flavors, Autumn of 2021. One of Jennifer's and JAMBAR's first acts of Partnership was donation of more than 1400 Bars for students' nutrition in Port-au-Prince and Cayes Jacmel, Haiti. These three Schools and one Orphanage continue to benefit from JAMBARs' boost!
See profiles of Jennifer and JAMBAR in San Francisco Magazine and East Bay Magazine and Food Navigator and Local News Matters.

JAMBAR already has won multiple Awards for its Bars'
taste and boost. "Delicious AND nutritrious," says the great American composer and musician David Amram.

Julia Maxwell, Jennifer's daughter, was a champion runner in High School and at Stanford
University. Julia is principal designer of JAMBAR's fonts and musical characters and all-round packaging. Jackie Joyner-Kersee, World Record-holder for the Heptathlon (1988) and U.S. Record-holder for the Long Jump (1994), was named by both Sports Illustrated and her Track & Field peers the 'Greatest Woman Athlete of the 20th Century'. Her record as an athlete is of huge performances over more than 12 years. Jackie continues to lead a 37-acre Center for young people in her hometown of East St. Louis, Illinois.

JAMBAR now funds or otherwise supports 19 Partners in Music and Music-
Education and Active Living. Check them out through the OUR PURPOSE tab.

On May 11, 2023 the Collegiate Running Association (13,000+ members strong)
and JAMBAR announced their Partnership. The CRA pioneered Prize-Money for
collegiate distance-runners 10 years ago. Now JAMBAR will supply Bars to competitors
at all National CRA Championships--Cross-Country, Road, and Trail.

Since December 2021, JAMBAR has donated more than 3000 Bars to students at the three Scols and one Orphanage in Haiti that are Partners with Sticking Up For Children.
JAMBARS are such welcome and essential nutrition that students at College Canapé-Vert in Port-au-Prince SING about them. Hear the song "JAMBAR. JAMBAR, IT MAKES YOU STRONG" with a CLICK below. 8-year-olds are the voices to lyrics by the awards-winning educator Madame Marie-Marthe Balin Franck Paul.

It makes you strong!_, sung by 8-year-olds at College Canapé-Vert, lyrics and melody by MCCV Joyous JAMBAR Birds
00:00 / 00:34
Students with JAMBARS at the 2021 College Canapé-Vert
Christmas party.
" ... Eat JAMBAR, children ... "

Nothing can stop the Power of Good.
Think about it. " 'Good over Evil / Good over Evil / ...' "
The Power of Good is intrinsically of unending ripples and ever broader effects and ever deeper affects.
Effects of people on things such as Banks. Affects from from person to person.
Nothing can stop capacities of the Power of Good to produce positive change so long we keep It--the Power of Good through Love among and between us--going!
'Mankind's history has shown from one era to another that the true criterion of leadership is spiritual.'--Malcolm Little / Malcolm X / El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz.

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