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            WHAT WE DO + 10 YEARS ON

Sticking Up For Children works with educational institutions that serve students in disadvantaged circumstances. We provide funding and material goods. We’ve partnered with six Schools in Louisiana and three Schools and one Orphanage in Haiti since November of 2013. 2023 is our 10th-year Anniversary.


In 2023 we've partnered with Ashé Cultural Arts Center and Edna Karr High School in New Orleans, Louisiana and with College Canapé Vert and the Ecole Foyer Espoir and Youpi Youpi schools and the Foyer Espoir Pour les Enfants orphanage in Haiti.


One focus for our monetary and material support since December 2019 is the effort led by College Canapé Vert and its Principal, Madame Marie Marthe Balin Franck Paul, to bring platforms for universal literacy across the 10 Departments of Haiti. This program is named Lèkol Toupatou—Lèkol Toupatou meaning School Everywhere in Haitian Kréyol.


The Haitians’ combined effort has recorded 148 half-hour Video Lessons, based on Mme. Franck Paul’s 243-page textbook Mon Livre Unique. The Video Lessons have begun to be distributed through and through YouTube. They’re now teaching adults in Port-au-Prince and in Cayes Jacmel to read and to write.


Since 2013, too, SUFC has sponsored 15 Music  & Arts Days for students and parents in New Orleans. Also, we’ve sponsored seven Days honoring music-educators and community-service in New Orleans and Louisiana in partnership with the New Orleans City Council since 2015. Among the honored are Tim Green, Germaine Bazzle, Kidd Jordan, WRBH, and WWOZ and all Community-Radio and their DJ show-hosts in Greater New Orleans.


Our Mission is to sustain the ongoing success in education by our Partners’ wonderful students and staff. We equip, fund, celebrate and publicize their achievements. We celebrate, too,

the achievements of musical artists who have served education over many decades!

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                          COLLEGE CANAPE VERT


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Mme. Franck Paul used her Prix Rochombe funds to tile stairs; Mon Livre Unique is basis for Lèkol Toupatou; College Canapé Vert built anew after 2010 earthqauke; five who work on the Video Lessons for Lèkol Toupatou (Claude Bernard Sérant missing).


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                          The FEPE ORPHANAGE
                            and the EFE SCHOOL

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Mme. Marie Jo Poux and daughter Maureen with orphan students                     by the FEPE gate, Delmas in Port-au-Prince 2012.

EFE graduation, 2018.

Jonathand, Maryse, Olivier--September 20, 2017, photo by Don--_Haitians look like they're

Jonathand Saininé, Principal of EWFE, with Maryse Philippe Déjean and student,  photographer Olivier.

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Claudine Aimé, teacher, and EFE 
students, brnging goods to southern
Haiti, September 2021.

                          The YOUPI YOUPI SCHOOL
                             and LEKOL TOUPATOU

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Students at Youpi Youpi, 2014. Many later won honors.

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Adult students and great teachers at a Lèkol Toupatou class in Cayes Jacmel, October 2023..

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Marie-Lyne and Lupson Pasteur founded the Youpi Youpi
school in Cayes Jacmel, 2009, using their own house as a
beginning. Marie-Lyne,  Principal, has seen hundreds graduate, and her husband Lupson has worked tireleely.

One More Salutation from Long-Term Karma

Marie Jo as a teen-ager was Mme. Franck Paul's student
in Port-au-Prince. Mireille is steadfast for decades within
College Canapé Vert and its Press. Marie Jo says now: "A
teacher never dies, because students live on."


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