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universal literacy for haiti
universal literacy for haiti
Helping Young People Create New Worlds

and Partners' Power of Good

Feeding Education.

Amarie Rose receives from Jean Baptiste Olivier, who received from Marie Jo, who received frorm Ken and Melba

Jean Baptiste Olivier taking photographs in July 2023.

Amarie Rose, photographed by Olivier.
Amarie Rose and Jeanp Baptiste Olivier and both students living in the Foyer Espoir Pour les Enfant (FEPE) orphanage in the Delmas district of Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
fThe names are fit for a grand novel. A novel by Stendahl or Balzac or Zola or Samuel Delaney. Names Highly Romantic. Names of Substantial Characters who figure in a Multi-Layered Story.
The child later named Amarie Rose came into the Foyer Espoir Pour les Enfants (FEPE) orphanage of Port-au-Prince, Haiti when she was 20 months old, August of 2020.

Marie Jo Poux, September 2023, as she was interviewed by Sticking Up For Children for the documentary "Tales and Portraits of Haitian Greatness"/
Marie Jo Poux had founded FEPE in November 2009 after her return from four decades as a Hospice Nurse in New York City and Cincinnatti. Marie Jo was then a widow with two children grown into professions in the United States. Marie Jo felt that her calling was in Haiti. Her FEPE grew from 12 to more than 30 orphans immediately after the 7.0 earthquake of January 12, 2010 devastated Port-au-Prince; Marie Jo met childrens’ and parents’ needs. Further, she helped to found the Ecole Foyer Espoir (EFE) school in the Delmas district of Port-au-Prince to complement FEPE; children needed a school. Orphans at FEPE became students at EFE.
Jean Baptise Olivier was less than age 10 when he began in FEPE and EFE. He shone as a student and he also volunteered for extra tasks at both FEPE and EFE. By 2023 Oliver’s role at both FEPE and EFE was care of the pre-schoolers as well as photographer.
We shift back to New Orleans.
Among Sticking Up For Children’s most regular, inquiring and generous supporters in New Orleans are Ken and Melba Ferdinand. Their qualites are well-known. Melba founded and managed Café Rose Nicaud on Frenchmen Street next-door to the jazz-club Snug Harbor; Rose Nicaud earned her freedom from slavery and opened the first coffee-stand in the French Quarter. Ken is brother of poet and activist, mentor and radio show-host Kalamu ya Salaam, and a renowned Medical Doctor, Keith. Ken himself was a touring trumpet-player and Director of the French Market Corporation and co-founder with Kirk Joseph of the annual "Tuba Tuba Tuba Festival", honoring a cornerstone instrument.
In August of 2020 forces and spirits united again. Ken and Melba heard about Marie Jo’s call for help with a 20-month-old orphan whom Marie Jo had enrolled in FEPE.
Melba and Ken answered this call with immediate sponsorship. Maryse suggested the linking name, Amarie Rose. Meanings attached to the name Amarie are 'appointed to God', 'beloved by God', 'gracious under pressure', and 'wished for child'. Rose refers to the Ferdinand's Rose Nicaud.
We jump forward three years. By June of 2023 Olivier is a photograper as well as caretaker of those who go to School at EFE before the age of Kindergarten.
Oliver is learning from professionals who serve efforts of Societe Verte Haiti--(SO.VE.H.). This past July SO.VE.H. again led students of EFE and FEPE in recycling plastic and other waste into Goods and Art.
As Amarie Rose returned from FEPE to the EFE School,
Olivier took more photographs.
And so marvels of progress grow.
Such are the possibilites with person-to-person exchanges. They can change worlds, from one person and place to the next.
Please join us in sustaining the success exemplified by those in this story--Marie Jo, Ken and Melba, Jean Baptise Oliver, Amarie Rose and those she's already teaching. "She's a leader," Marie Jo says.
Our future is a great as it is unknown. Please join us
with a contribution of $151--the cost, we're told, to
equip one student for one year in Haiti--or a multiple
of fraction thereof, depending on your means. Do
what you can do.
Marie Jo with her daughter, Maureen, a Dentist in the U.S., and more than 30 of FEPE who were also students at EFE, outside the Gate to FEPE in the Delmas district of Port-au-Prince.

Olivier as a student at EFE in 2017--with Principal Jonathand Saintiné and Maryse Philippe Déjean.
Photo by Maryse, September 2017.

Ken and Melba in a Second-Line, 2019, and with Drumsticks-as-Art by
music-students in New Orleans at Sticking Up For Children's Festiva 2015
in the Ashé Cultural Arts Center.

Students of EFE create with SO.VE.H!

Together, they produce work nice as this beautiful and
serviceable, one-of-a-kind Purse fashioned from tinfoil
and wrappers of the great benefactor of SUFC and 20 other organizations, JAMBAR.

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