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Youpi Youpi Christmas Party 2020, Cayes

Children at the Youpi Youpi School in Cayes Jacmel.


Sticking Up For Children greets the new year with multiple pieces of good news.


We have funding from a longtime friend to advance the project, 'School Everywhere! / Lekol Toupatou!', for universal literacy across Haiti.


We have a brilliant tune from another longtime friend, Lòlò of Boukman Eksperyans, to accompany 'School Everywhere! / Lekol Toupatou!'


We have more examples from our Partners in Port-au-Prince and Cayes Jacmel of their determination and success. 

592 Hours!

Madame Marie Marthe Balin Franck Paul and her Team of students and teachers have now recorded the astounding total of 592 hours of Lessons from Madame Franck Paul's longtime textbook for first-year students across Haiti,Mon Livre Unique.

Consider what an accomplishment the recording of 592 hours of audio--and several dozen of video--for the Lekol Toupatou! / School Everywhere! project is! The total of audio now ready for tranmission across Haiti--and elsewhere--amounts to nearly 15 40-hour weeks, all of them accomplished during shortages and months of COVID-19 lockdown in Port-au-Prince.


The launch of them across platforms is set for March.

"Greetings!" says Madame Franck Paul. "All people, everywhere, know the joy that School will come to you!"

Lekol Toupatou! / School Everywhere! is one culmination of this teacher's six decades as an educator.

Madame Franck Paul used the money awarded her by the Prix Rochombe for educators in November to have tiles emplaced on the stairway between the 2nd and 3rd Floors of College Canapé-Vert.

New tile to stairs College Canape-Vert from Marie-Marthe Franck Paul's winn ing the Prix Rochombe

New tile to stairs College Canape-Vert from Marie-Marthe Franck Paul's winn ing the Prix Rochombe

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At the same time, the work of staff and students at the Ecole Foyer Espoir (EFE) school and the Foyer Espoir Pour les Enfants (FEPE) orphanage in the Delmas district of Port-au Prince continues as energetically as ever.







We note, too, honors won by students of the Youpi Youpi ("Happy Happy" in Kréyol) school in Cayes Jacmel.

Louis O slip-ons Feb 2021.png
Louis O azure-blue background slip-ons a

Students at EFE work with desigenr Louis O. The rightward

tableau above combines Chagall, Matisse and Basquiat,

EFE students wtih recorders, Feb

Recorders provided by Hungry for Music in January 2020

help with a Music class at EFE in 2021.

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Theodore Lòlò Beaubrean and Mimerose Manzè Beaubrean

support Sticking Up For Children. Lòlò is friends with Mme.

Franck Paul. She reminded him of a tune that accompanied

his actor/comedian father's wildly popular TV series. Lòlò

then composed the tune below as accompaniment for students' learning (Everywhere!) in Lekòl Toupatou!

Above, Lòlò is quoted in Raul de la Fuente's spectacular and insightful 2014 movie about life--material and spiritual--in Port-au-Prince, "I Am Haiti".

Lòlò's tune for His Father and for Lekol Toupatou! (SchooLòlò of Boukman Exksperyans
00:00 / 01:34

Below, photos by Bill Farrington from a Boukman Eksperyans' performance in Brooklyn, New York, 2018.

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Boukman in Brooklyn 2018 in the crowd an
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Boukamn in Brooklyn 201`8 Manze.png

Further, a photo of Lòlò, Don Paul, Manzè, and Dr. Gabou Mendy

of the Gambia at a party during the 2019 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival. Lòlò and Manzè are now part of Don's band

Rivers of Dreams. The three of them have several great songs

in progress for the world this year--"Glory Glory Glory Is For Us

All", "Love Over War (Ev'ry Time We Play)", "Music Spiritual On

A Friday Night", ...

Lolo, Don, Manze, Gabou, April 29 2019 c
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Manzè, too, plays a recorder that Hungry for

Music contributed for Haiti.

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Still from video for Boukman Eksperyans' 2020 Kanaval

song, Nou pwal wè si se vre ("We'll See If It's True")

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