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universal literacy for haiti
universal literacy for haiti
Helping Young People Create New Worlds

and Partners' Power of Good

Feeding Education.

Three Haitain metal artists, SERGE JOLIMEAU, RONY JACQUES, and JACQUES EUGENE, contributed pieces to a show at the upstairs Evolve art-space of the Angela King Gallery
in New Orleans French Quarter during the 2019 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival.
The artists chose to have sales of their pieces benefit students at the Foyer Espoir Pour les Enfants (FEPE) orphanage and the Ecole Foyer Espoir school in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. All three artists are longtime friends of FEPE's founder, Madame Marie-Jose ("Marie-Jo") Poux, Haitian herself and a former Hospice Nurse in Cincinnatti, Ohio.
Seven of the artists' pieces sold through Sticking Up For Children at Evolve. Others sold at JazzFest's Cultural Exchange Pavillion, including three bought by the Festival's Director, Quint Davis.
Thank you, all, for your support. Please enjoy photos of the art below by Ryan Hodgson-Rigsbee. You can also link to artists at the 'JazzFest Eve' opening athe Angela King Gallery, sculptor Woodrow Nash and painters Patterson & Barnes

The Band Is Here and the Spirits Too--sculptures by Jacques Eugene.

RaRa Band by Serge Jolimeau, the patriarch of Haitian metal sculpture.

Lambi by Rony Jacques (SOLD).
All of the Haitian metal artists' sculptures are crafted from 55-gallon oil-drums and other found objects in Port-au-Prince.
Please join us at Evolve on Wednesday evening, 5:00 to 7:00, and meet Jacques Eugene. He's a guest of the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival
Downstairs during the same 5:00 to 700 window on April 24 is a companion Opening in the Angela King Gallery. It presents new work by Patterson & Barnes, painters of American music icons, and of new work by Woodrow Nash, the sculptor from Akron, Ohio . Nash's monumental figures follow in a line from Benin to Rodin to Henry Moore. The three artists of the Gallery's 'Jazz Fest Eve' Opening will be present, too. The Freddie Lonzo Jazz Ensemble will play.
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