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COLLEGE CANAPE VERT and its Founder and Principal, Madame MARIE MARTHE BALIN FRANCK PAUL, progress together into the College's 50th anniversary in 2024. 

CCV new teachers with young students, October 2024.png

College Canapé Vert and new Professors as of 2024 with more than 15 of the College's 474 Students. OCTOBER of 2024.

Below, some Highlights of 2024 at College Canapé Vert.

Two of the very young speak on Haiti's Flag Day, MAY 18, 2024. You may appreciate the intentness and dignity.

One from the College's middle Grades speaks on MAY 1. You may see and hear the composure and eloquence from a 10-year-old.

A large group of the very young sings Haiti's National Anthem.

Young dancers celebrate in the Ceremony celebrating this past JUNE graduates of the Kindergarten named Ding! Deng! Dong! . 

In 2024, too, outside the College, Madame FRANCK PAUL 
furthers her Lékol Toupatou
by. reaching out to southern
Haiti in video meetings.


Feb 10 2024 Zoom Meeting RAPHEAL LIJENSKY and Madame FRANCK PAUL, great friends, video-sti

Raphael Lijenksy and Madame Franck Paul, video-meeting
with teachers in Nippes, FEBRUARY 2024.  

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Claude Bernard Sérant's and his Team's fine documentary on the
educator appears on YouTube and packs a plenty of poignant and
sumptuous video and interviews into its 25-some minutes.

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Like her Staff and their Students at College Canapé Vert, Madame Franck Paul ... perseveres with benign intentions and accomplishments, whatever difficulties come their way. And, like last year and years before that, they succeed! Over 20,000 Graduates of CCV since 1974. 474 Students and over 30 Professors in December 2024!

CCV, new teacher with 12-year-old or so students. October 2024.jpg

A new School-Year, OCTOBER 2024.

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