April 2015 The Bus to FEPE, Cyril, Isabelle, and Maryse

Sticking Up For Chidren again has a beautiful bunch of news to report! Wonder-workers are our supporters, Beneficiaries, and other partners! They lift our hearts and make efforts worthwhile.
•First, the school-bus donated in Illinois has reached orphans and students at the Foyer Espoir Pour les Enfants in Haiti! Marie-Jo, founder of F.E.P.E., sent along images of celebration.

•Cyril Neville returned from touring with his wife Gaynielle and the Royal Southern
Brotherhood. He brought a drumhead signed by all of the Doobie Brothers and drumsticks
signed by drummers Ed Toth and Tony Pia and many more!
•F.E.P.E. orphans have painted scores more of spectacularly tasteful and pleasing drumsticks-as- art. The Stella Jones Gallery, one of New Orleans' most pretigious, has honored the orphans'
art with a show that's to open on the second Friday of Jazz Fest, May 1, with a reception
between 7:30 and 9:00 p.m.
Here are Cyril Neville and Maryse Dejean with both the Doobie Brothers-signed drumhead
and several pair of the F.E.P.E. orphans' drumsticks-as-art. The photograph is by Kim Welsh
and it was taken in the new creative-space of the Institute of the Imagination in New Orleans.
Kim also took the photo of F.E.P.E. sticks before Black Indian beads and feathers that graces
the top of this post.

•Isabelle Jacopin hosted an Open Studio to benefit Sticking Up For Children and donated sales of two posters of her paintings. You can get a taste and listen of how things went--with Mikayla
Braun on ukelele, Matthew Shilling on saxophone, Trumpet Black on trumpet, and Mike Bass
on improvised percussion, here, thanks to Isabelle--https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10206202845379132&set=vb.1504440849&type=2&theater

•American Airlines' in-flight magazine, American Way, has a piece about Sticking
Up For Children in its current issue, written by Bob Cooper. You can Bob's insightful
piece out here--http://hub.aa.com/en/aw/can%E2%80%99t-beat-it
•Coincident with the piece, we've begun a campaign to bring a Lulzbot TAZ 4 3D printer
to each of our Beneficiaries by the end of April 2015.
The TAZ is evaluated as the best bargain among 3D printers within its range. It will be empowering.

You can see the objet's d'art for sale, or make donations, at our Art&Music Store on our
rewly redone--thanks to the gifted, young Aristide Phillips--website.
Drumsticks-as-art signed by Dr. John, Jonathan Richman, Stanton Moore,
Hamid Drake, Evan Christopher, Tommy Larkins, David Torkanowsky, in shadow-boxes
built by Collins Phillips in New Orleans Lower 9th Ward. Plus the Doobie Brothers-signed
drumhead. Plus a collage/painting by the great Oliver Lake!
The circles remain unbroken! The circles are in fact expanding!