June, July 2016 Progress with 3D Printing and Art
Students of the Kuumba Institute of New Orleans' Ashé Cultural Arts Center heed a presentation on 3D-printing by James Catalano of Future Factory and One to One Architecture, July 8, 2016.
June and July in New Orleans is like living in a steambath with regular thundershowers. Movements are in general slowed. Port-au-Prince, Haiti has a more broiling kind of heat. Despite the weather, however, Sticking Up For Children and our youth-education partners have moved forward with 3D printing and with more collaborations and art.
In early June teachers at our youth-education partners in Port-au-Prince, the EPE School/FEPE orphanage and College Canape-Vert, completed their training in 3D printing and assembly of prosthetic hands. Johnathand Saintine and Claudine Aimé of EPE and Pierre Mendes Roseau of CCV all excelled in the multi-day workshop at Healing Hands of Haiti, according to eNABLE Foundation instructors Joe Fairley and Dante Verostas.
Here are Mendes and Jonathand with their daughters.
Mendes led a team at College Canapé-Vert in producing several objects with their Creator Pro 3D printer, a clasp
and a key-chain.
On July 8 the Kuumba Institute hosted James Catalano and Adrienne Trahan of Future Factory
in the Big Room of the Ashé Cultural Arts Center.
Kuumba Institute co-director Frederck Hollywood Dellahoussaye with Maryse Déjean, Don Paul,
James Catalano, and Adrienne Trahan and one aide and six students. All born to sparkle! Photo
by journalist and WWOZ show-host Keith Hill.
Students were attentive and enthusiastic.
The aspect of 3D printing that excited them most was its capacity to live-scan a subject--for
instance, one of them--and turn that digital scan, layer by painstaking layer of PLA filament, into a 3-dimensional plastic likeness.
Questions, answers, and volunteers were numerous and vigorous.
James scans the first Kuumba student who volunteered to have his likeness 3D-printed.
We had gifts of hand-crafted art in July, too. Anastasia Pelias (anastasiapelias.com) expressed her relation to a drumhead given to Sticking Up For Children by Doobie Brothers' drummer Ed Toth, thanks to Cyril Neville's friendship with us both, and then signed all of the gracious Brothers.
This drumhead by Anastasia shines like sunrise through a net.
Artemis Antippas, Anastasia's daughter, gave us her own sparkle to a pair of Stanton Moore signature drumsticks from Vic Firth.
Also given to us is a splendid combination of drumsticks-as-art, donated and painted by Yonrico
Scott of the Royal Southern Brotherhood, framed within a shadow-box painted by Cole Williams
and students of hers at the ARISE Academy in New Orleans' Upper 9th Ward. Lively! Beautiful!
We look forward to school resuming in Haiti, this August, and to Sticking Up For Children
continuing with more events and partnerships through the remainder of 2016!